What constitutes quality and value in medication use?
What constitutes quality and value in medication use?
PQA, the Pharmacy Quality Alliance, is launching a national initiative to prioritize research and measurement strategies to improve the quality of care for individuals using oral anticancer medications (OAM).
Social determinants of health (SDOH) are a priority for PQA because, in addition to traditional care, issues like medication cost, literacy, transportation and food security impact a person’s ability to access medications and use them safely and effectively.
The 2022 PQA Annual Meeting hosted a general session to discuss recent changes across Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) quality programs and future implications.
RAND convened a technical expert panel (TEP) in February 2022 to gather input about potentially developing a measure to capture value-based care arrangements (VBAs) that Medicare Advantage (MA) organizations have with contracted providers. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) could consider including such a measure in future MA and Part D Star Ratings.
As the summer winds down, we are quickly approaching the end of 2022. PQA has been busy this year, in collaboration with our members, advancing the quality of medication use through measure development and stewardship, education, research and convening.
The 2022 PQA Annual Meeting poster session featured 24 quality improvement and research projects. Sponsored by Pharmacy Quality Solutions, the session provided an opportunity for authors to showcase their work and for attendees to engage in insightful dialogue about health care quality.
Medication adherence quality measures are relevant and high-impact, according to PQA’s Ben Shirley, Melissa Castora-Binkley and Lisa Hines, whose Population Health Management point of view article was published online April 29.
They explain that adherence measures in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Part D Star Ratings have contributed to immense public health benefits and savings over the last decade. As the measures evolve to integrate new data sources and address equity, their value to the health system will continue. They are an excellent example of how evidence-based quality measures implemented into accountability programs with meaningful incentives can move the needle and improve population health.
The early registration deadline for the 2022 PQA Annual Meeting has been extended to next Friday, April 15! This extension includes the special PQA hotel rate.
The program is almost finalized. See our recent announcements on the speakers for:
PQA, the Pharmacy Quality Alliance, is a member-driven organization.
Open to all health care professionals, the PQA meeting is a top forum for learning best practices and emerging trends in medication services, pharmacist-provided care and quality improvement initiatives.
The 2022 PQA Annual Meeting poster session will feature 24 quality improvement and research projects. Sponsored by Pharmacy Quality Solutions, the session provides an opportunity for authors to showcase their work and for attendees to engage in insightful dialogue about health care quality.
PQA is a non-profit organization with 250 diverse members across healthcare. Our members include community and specialty pharmacy organizations, pharmacists and other healthcare providers, pharmacies, health plans, pharmacy benefit managers, life sciences, technology vendors, government agencies, health information technology partners, researchers, accrediting organizations and academia.
Rice, Romania, rugby and rum. They each have their own congressional caucus. They are among more than 450 active caucuses, which provide visibility and advocacy for a variety of issues and policies. Caucuses date back to the 1880s but they have proliferated in recent decades.
PQA has published nearly 80 blogs this year, providing insights and updates on our work to improve medication use quality. As we close out 2021, here’s a look back at the top five blogs of the year.
Amidst an incredibly uncertain time in our world’s history, 2021 will stand out as a year of milestones. This year, we witnessed the successful deployment of several mRNA vaccines and development of therapeutics to assist in the fight against COVID-19. This effort was one of the most extraordinary feats of expedited scientific discovery and innovation ever experienced.
PQA is a non-profit organization with 250 diverse members across healthcare. Our members include community and specialty pharmacy organizations, pharmacists and other healthcare providers, pharmacies, health plans, pharmacy benefit managers, life sciences, technology vendors, government agencies, health information technology partners, researchers, accrediting organizations and academia.
The Pharmacy Quality Alliance (PQA) continues to forge ahead with our work to develop a set of standard pharmacy performance measures that would be appropriate for use in value-based plan-pharmacy agreements. Over the past 3 years, we have convened and worked with a broad base of industry leaders to identify and vet pharmacy performance measures that meet the needs of pharmacies, payers, and patients—while balancing feasibility and probability for success.
One week ago today, PQA members gathered in person for the first time in two years for the 2021 PQA Leadership Summit. The energy, enthusiasm and engagement across this two-day meeting was incredible. It was my first PQA Leadership Summit, and the event reaffirmed my belief that PQA is unique in its collaborative spirit.
PQA hosted a November 2019 national forum, Caring for the Whole Patient, to showcase emerging best practices to address the social determinants of health (SDOH) and the role of pharmacists. Building on the forum and PQA’s other work, PQA is developing an SDOH Resource Guide and accepting contributions for the first edition through September 30. This is the final part of a three-part blog series revisiting the 2019 forum.