PQA Measure Use in CMS’ Part D Quality Programs

Medicare Part D Star Ratings

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) creates plan ratings that indicate the quality of Medicare plans on a scale of 1 to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest rating. The overall star rating is determined through numerous performance measures across several domains of performance. Each measure is awarded a star rating and the individual measure stars are then aggregated at the domain and summary level. Only a small number of plans receive a 5-star summary rating from CMS, with most plans receiving 3 to 4 stars.

CMS manages the star ratings system and uses its contractor, Acumen, LLC, for the analyses of Medicare data to generate the rates for the medication measures. PQA maintains the PQA-endorsed performance measures and updates the technical specifications for the measures routinely. PQA also shares new measures that are endorsed by PQA with CMS and provides technical guidance on the use of the measures within the plan ratings. CMS tests updates to PQA-endorsed measure specifications and drug-code lists and implements them as appropriate.

Five PQA measures will be included in the 2025 Medicare Part D Star Ratings:

  • Medication Adherence for Diabetes Medications
  • Medication Adherence for Hypertension (RAS antagonists)
  • Medication Adherence for Cholesterol (Statins)
  • MTM Program Completion Rate for CMR
  • Statin Use in Persons with Diabetes

In recent years, CMS finalized its plans to implement PQA’s risk adjustment model for the adherence measures, which will be phased in over three years, becoming effective as of the 2028 Star Ratings (2026 measurement year). PQA has a frequently asked questions (FAQ) document that addresses background and basics of sociodemographic status (SDS) risk adjustment and PQA’s risk adjustment recommendations for the adherence measures in Medicare Part D.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

What's new for the 2025 Medicare Part D Star Ratings?

For the 2025 Medicare Part D Star Ratings, the plan ratings will be composed of 12 measures including the five PQA measures that are positioned within the domain of Drug Safety and Accuracy of Drug Pricing.

The measures included in the Part D Star Ratings and their respective weightings are listed below. The PQA measures are highlighted in green.

Measure Name20242025
Call Center - Foreign Language Interpreter and TTY Availability 4 4
Complaints about the Drug Plan 4 4
Members Choosing to Leave the Plan 4 4
Drug Plan Quality Improvement 5 5
Rating of Drug Plan 4 4
Getting Needed Prescription Drugs 4 4
MPF Price Accuracy 1 1
Medication Adherence for Diabetes Medications 3 3
Medication Adherence for Hypertension (RAS antagonists) 3 3
Medication Adherence for Cholesterol (Statins) 3 3
MTM Program Completion Rate for CMR 1 1
Statin Use in Persons with Diabetes 1 1



Which PQA measures are included on the Medicare Part D Display Page?

Beyond the Star Ratings, CMS uses the Display Page to provide further evaluation of Part D plans. The Display Page measures do not contribute to the plan ratings but are publicly reported and can be used to facilitate quality improvement by the plans.

The PQA-endorsed measures on the Display Page include:

Measure Name20242025
Antipsychotic Use in Persons with Dementia
Concurrent Use of Opioids and Benzodiazepines
Use of Opioids at High Dosage in Persons Without Cancer
Use of Opioids from Multiple Providers in Persons Without Cancer
Polypharmacy Use of Multiple Anticholinergic Medications in Older Adults
Polypharmacy Use of Multiple Central Nervous System-Active Medications in Older Adults
Initial Opioid Prescribing for Long Duration x
Persistence to Basal Insulin  x

How does CMS use other PQA measures?

Several PQA measures are reported to plans in their  2024 Patient Safety Reports including:

  • Medication Adherence for Cholesterol (Statins) 
  • Medication Adherence for Hypertension (RAS Antagonists) 
  • Medication Adherence for Diabetes Medications
  • Medication Adherence for Cholesterol (Statins) with Sociodemographic Status Adjustment
  • Medication Adherence for Hypertension (RAS Antagonists) with Sociodemographic Status Adjustment
  • Medication Adherence for Diabetes Medications with Sociodemographic Status Adjustment
  • Medication Adherence for HIV/AIDS (Antiretroviral)
  • Statin Use in Persons with Diabetes
  • Antipsychotic Use in Persons with Dementia
  • Use of Opioids at High Dosage in Persons without Cancer
  • Use of Opioids from Multiple Providers in Persons without Cancer
  • Concurrent Use of Opioids and Benzodiazepines
  • Polypharmacy Use of Multiple Anticholinergic (ACH) Medications in Older Adults
  • Polypharmacy Use of Multiple Central Nervous System (CNS)-Active Medications in Older Adults
  • Initial Opioid Prescribing for Long Duration
  • Persistence to Basal Insulin
PQA Summary of CMS-4201-F3 and CMS-4205-F Final Rule

Last Update: June 2024