Stakeholder Advisory Panels (SAPs)Larger groups, composed of PQA members, to provide input to Measure Development Teams and Task Forces on measure concepts under development. Key contacts from PQA member organizations appoint up to two individuals from their organization to participate on these panels, which meet every other month via webinar. Active Stakeholder Advisory PanelsFor 2019, PQA has one Stakeholder Advisory Panel to support measure development. The measure concepts that SAP A provides input on are listed below. Stakeholder Advisory Panel A
Are you interested in participating on a Stakeholder Advisory Panel?For quality stakeholders not representing a PQA member organization:Participating on a Stakeholder Advisory Panel as part of the PQA Measure Development process is an exclusive opportunity offered through PQA membership. Learn more about joining PQA and the value membership has to your organization. For representatives of PQA member organizations:Your participation on a Stakeholder Advisory Panel is welcomed! Key contacts from PQA member organizations must appoint individuals from their organization to participate on these panels. You must connect with your PQA member organization key contact to arrange for appointments to SAP A. Learn who your organization’s PQA key contact is by connecting with PQA staff. For PQA member organization key contacts:Each PQA member organization can appoint up to two (2) individuals to participate on each Stakeholder Advisory Panel.