Get Engaged with PQA

PQA, the Pharmacy Quality Alliance, is a member-driven organization.  

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PQA Annual Meeting: Quality Emerges from the Pandemic, Focused on Access and Equity

Open to all health care professionals, the PQA meeting is a top forum for learning best practices and emerging trends in medication services, pharmacist-provided care and quality improvement initiatives.

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PQA Publishes 2022 Measure Manual and Value Sets

PQA has published the 2022 PQA Measure Manual and Value Sets. The PQA Measure Manual includes detailed narrative specifications for PQA measures, which are needed to implement the measures accurately and appropriately. PQA Value Sets, which include National Drug Codes (NDCs), are required to calculate PQA measures as specified. 

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Five for Friday, March 25: Celebrating Success in Advancing Medication Use Quality

The early registration dealing for the  PQA Annual Meeting is April 4, and we are announcing new details on how to connect with innovators and emerging leaders in medication use quality. 

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PQA Annual Meeting Features Two Dozen Research Posters

The 2022 PQA Annual Meeting poster session will feature 24 quality improvement and research projects. Sponsored by Pharmacy Quality Solutions, the session provides an opportunity for authors to showcase their work and for attendees to engage in insightful dialogue about health care quality. 

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PQA Seeks Pharmacy and Payer Partners for VBA Pilots

The Pharmacy Quality Alliance (PQA) seeks interested pharmacy and payer partners to participate in proof-of-concept pilots to implement high priority blood pressure and hemoglobin A1c measure concepts in value-based payment arrangements (VBAs). 

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Expand Your Knowledge and Expertise with PQA Webinars

PQA provides education throughout the year to promote the use and impact of PQA measures and advance the quality of medication use. With a focus on new developments and best practices, our goal is to help quality-focused health care professionals in a variety of practice settings expand their knowledge and skills. 

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Five for Friday, March 11: Celebrating Success in Advancing Medication Use Quality

The PQA Annual Meeting is in person, May 3-5, in Baltimore, Md.

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Q&A with PQA Senior Director of Research Melissa Castora-Binkley

PQA’s talented staff is dedicated to improving medication safety, adherence and appropriate use. As experts in measure development, research, education and convening, they lead the implementation of PQA’s quality initiatives to support better medication use and high-quality care. This blog is one in a series profiling PQA's staff. 

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PQA Welcomes Seven New Members

PQA is a non-profit organization with 250 diverse members across healthcare. Our members include community and specialty pharmacy organizations, pharmacists and other healthcare providers, pharmacies, health plans, pharmacy benefit managers, life sciences, technology vendors, government agencies, health information technology partners, researchers, accrediting organizations and academia.

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Q&A with 2022-23 Executive Fellows

The PQA Postdoctoral Executive Fellowship helps produce the next generation of leaders in health care quality through a full-time, 12-month program. Executive Fellows collaborate with PQA staff, members and other stakeholders on a variety of initiatives to improve medication use quality. During the fellowship, individuals will expand their skills and experience in project management, quality measure design and implementation, non-profit administration and association management, and health care quality research. 

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Five for Friday, February 25: Celebrating Success in Advancing Medication Use Quality

We are 10 weeks away from the 2022 PQA Annual Meeting. I am excited to get back together with each of you for our first in-person annual meeting since 2019.

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The Congressional Social Determinants of Health Caucus

Rice, Romania, rugby and rum. They each have their own congressional caucus. They are among more than 450 active caucuses, which provide visibility and advocacy for a variety of issues and policies. Caucuses date back to the 1880s but they have proliferated in recent decades. 

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Five for Friday, February 11: Celebrating Success in Advancing Medication Use Quality

In December, PQA members endorsed a new composite pharmacy adherence measure that is a major step forward in our work to develop standard pharmacy performance measures focused on improving patient care.  


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Quality Forum Review: Introducing the PQA SDOH Resource Guide

The PQA Quality Forum Webinar is a regular, recurring series on healthcare quality topics with a focus on medication use and medication services. It is a forum for educating and engaging with PQA members and quality-focused healthcare professionals. 

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Q&A with Nadia Krigger, PQA MPH Practicum Program Participant

Nadia Krigger, a Master of Public Health candidate at New York University participated in the PQA MPH Practicum Program during the Fall 2021 semester. Krigger has a background in biological and analytical research and her interests include infectious disease research and health policy. While at PQA, she supported development of a manuscript on the empirical validity of PQA’s opioid measures. She recently shared insights on her time with PQA and the value of a medication use quality-focused practicum for MPH students.

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PQA Offers Experiential Learning Opportunities for Students of Public Health

Public health encompasses a wide range of efforts related to promoting and protecting the health of people and communities. PQA’s mission is directly aligned with public health in that we seek to optimize health by advancing the quality of medication use. To do this, PQA has four main areas of focus: quality measure development, quality education, research, and convening. These areas provide an opportunity for students pursuing a master's degree in public health seeking field experience through our MPH Practicum Program  

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Quality Forum Review: Forging Patient Connections: How Evidence-Based Technologies Are Expanding Access and Adherence

The PQA Quality Forum Webinar is a recurring series on healthcare quality topics with a focus on medication use and medication services. The quality forum creates an opportunity for education and engagement with PQA members and quality-focused healthcare professionals.  

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Five for Friday, January 28: Celebrating Success in Advancing Medication Use Quality

The 2022 PQA Annual Meeting takes place May 3-5 in Baltimore. This will be our first in-person annual meeting in three years. It is our time to reconnect, learn, network and engage in our shared effort to advance healthcare quality.

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Q&A with Richard Schmitz on PQA’s New SDOH Resource Guide

PQA has created a new Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Resource Guide that profiles real-world SDOH services that are promising for improving the quality and safety of medication use with a focus on screenings, referrals and interventions conducted by or involving pharmacists or pharmacies. Richard Schmitz, PQA’s Chief Engagement Officer, provides insights on the guide, it’s origins and what’s next in this Q&A blog.

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