Five for Friday March 10: Celebrating Success in Advancing Medication Use Quality

PQA has launched two proof-of-concept pilots to implement four promising blood pressure and hemoglobin A1C pharmacy measure concepts in value-based payment arrangements (VBAs) between payers and pharmacies. .

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Quality Forum Review: PQA's Expanded SDOH Resource Guide

The PQA Quality Forum Webinar is a regular, recurring series on healthcare quality topics with a focus on medication use and medication services. It is a forum for educating and engaging with PQA members and quality-focused healthcare professionals.  

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PQA Welcomes Eight New Members

PQA is a non-profit organization with 250 diverse members across healthcare. Our members include community and specialty pharmacy organizations, pharmacists and other healthcare providers, pharmacies, health plans, pharmacy benefit managers, life sciences, technology vendors, government agencies, health information technology partners, researchers, accrediting organizations and academia.

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Five for Friday February 24: Celebrating Success in Advancing Medication Use Quality

PQA has launched a new scholarship program to help pharmacy and other health care professions students from diverse backgrounds attend the 2023 PQA Annual Meeting, May 10-12, in Nashville, Tenn.

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Participate in the Measure Development Process in 2023

In the year ahead, PQA will continue developing innovative measure approaches for high-impact areas of care. From technical expert panels, stakeholder advisory meetings, the measure endorsement vote and convening events focused on future measure opportunities, PQA members have the opportunity to be involved each step of the way! 

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Diversity Scholarships and a Quality Training Program: New Student Opportunities at PQA

PQA has launched a new scholarship program to help pharmacy and other health care professions students from diverse backgrounds attend the 2023 PQA Annual Meeting, May 10-12, in Nashville, Tenn. 

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Five for Friday February 10: Celebrating Success in Advancing Medication Use Quality

PQA’s 2023 calendar is shaping up to be full of opportunities for members to engage in our work and advance the quality of medication use.

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Education Opportunities In 2023

PQA’s education team has a lot on deck for 2023, focused on the latest in best practices and innovative approaches to improve quality medication use. PQA started the year by publishing the second edition of the PQA Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Resource Guide and will continue education offerings through quality forum webinars, highlighting PQA members during the 2023 PQA Annual Meeting and the much-anticipated relaunch of the PQA Medication Use Quality certificate program.

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Five for Friday January 27: Celebrating Success in Advancing Medication Use Quality

We are excited to announce that registration for the 2023 PQA Annual Meeting will open next week. This year’s meeting is May 10-12 in Nashville. Tenn. Be on the lookout for that registration link to reserve your spot at the top event for medication-focused quality improvement professionals.

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Convene With PQA Members

PQA’s 2023 calendar is full of opportunities to engage in our work and advance the quality of medication use.  PQA meetings and convening events are just one example of how members can engage with the wide array of health care stakeholders from across our membership.

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2023 Outlook: Insights on Pharmacy, Medication Use and High-Quality, Value-Based Care

It’s a new year and there are several big things on the horizon to keep an eye on in pharmacy, medication use and high-quality, value-based care.

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Five for Friday January 13: Celebrating Success in Advancing Medication Use Quality

PQA published the second edition of the PQA Social Determinants of Health Resource Guide this week. The expanded guide profiles 32 SDOH services, including 12 new services and updates to nine initiatives from the first edition.

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Opportunities in 2023

PQA’s 2023 calendar is shaping up to be full of opportunities for members to engage in our work and advance the quality of medication use. PQA is building on the momentum we gained in 2022, and there will be many opportunities to engage in our:

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PQA Appoints New Members to Serve on MUP and QMEP

PQA has appointed individuals from member organizations to serve on the 2023 PQA Measure Update Panel (MUP) and Quality Metrics Expert Panel (QMEP).

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PQA's Top 5 Blogs of 2022

PQA has published nearly 90 blogs this year, providing insights and updates on our work to improve medication use quality. As we close out 2022, here’s a look back at the top five blogs of the year.

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Prioritizing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at PQA

PQA is dedicated to improving safe, effective and appropriate medication use and addressing issues that impact a person’s ability to access and use medications. Many of those issues are driven by inequities in our society and health care system.

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Five for Friday December 16: Celebrating Success in Advancing Medication Use Quality

This year, PQA convened its members and stakeholders to advance our work on pharmacy performance measures and oral anticancer medication (OAM) use quality. As we move into 2023, PQA will continue to drive innovative measures and quality strategies.

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Pharmacy Measures and Policy Considerations for Pharmacy Practice

There are several important policy issues that could impact pharmacists’ ability to positively affect the quality of care for patients through the use of pharmacy performance measures.

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Five for Friday December 2: Celebrating Success in Advancing Medication Use Quality

PQA members are currently voting on one measure up for endorsement and four measures for retirement.

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Five For Friday November 18: Celebrating Success in Advancing Medication Use Quality

PQA will host an all-member webinar on Thursday, December 1, from 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET, to discuss the measures up for endorsement and retirement consideration.

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