PQA Appoints Individuals to Serve on 2025 Panels
PQA has appointed individuals from member organizations to serve on the 2025 PQA Measure Update Panel (MUP) and Quality Metrics Expert Panel (QMEP).
The panelists self-nominated and were selected by PQA staff to create a balanced group that represents PQA’s membership and includes relevant expertise.
Measure Update Panel (MUP)
The MUP is a select group of approximately 25 PQA members who recommend or review potential updates to PQA-endorsed measures to ensure that proposed measure updates reflect current evidence and align with standard measure criteria. MUP recommendations, including potential measure updates or retirement consideration, then move forward to the QMEP for review.
New MUP members will serve a two-year term (2025-2026) with the option to serve a second term, and were chosen based on their experience with PQA’s measure development activities as well as their specific areas of expertise (e.g., clinical, analytic, measurement, and quality improvement).
PQA Quality Metrics Expert Panel (QMEP)
The QMEP is a select group of approximately 25 PQA members who assess measures in development and maintenance against standard measure criteria, make final recommendations to PQA membership regarding measure endorsement or retirement consideration, and make final recommendations to PQA staff for measure development discontinuation.
New QMEP members will serve a three-year term (2025-2027) with the option to serve a second term, and were chosen based on their measure development experience or other subject matter expertise (e.g., clinical, analytic, measurement science, quality improvement), as well as considerable experience participating in PQA groups.
The MUP and QMEP are standing PQA panels that meet monthly or, as needed, via webinar and will convene starting in January 2025.
Visit our Measure Development page to learn more about PQA’s process for developing measures that matter. There are opportunities for all members to participate in the process, as well as nomination-based panels and groups like the MUP and QMEP.