Public Comment Sought: Draft Call to Action to Advance MTM Quality Measurement
PQA is working with its members and the broader medication therapy management (MTM) community to build consensus on the research, measurement and strategies needed to evolve our national approach to evaluating MTM service quality.
Informed by a robust environmental scan and a November 2 national convening event, PQA has drafted a call to action that includes eight elements. Together, they represent a broad range of actions that can advance the quality of MTM services:
Develop a new performance measure for MTM quality.
Refine MTM eligibility criteria by establishing a common, more equitable denominator.
Strengthen requirements for standardized documentation and reporting related to the quality of MTM services.
Amplify the patient voice to improve the patient-centeredness of MTM programs.
Optimize efforts to increase beneficiary awareness of Part D MTM services and the benefits beneficiaries may receive.
Increase stakeholder education about the use of the Medication Therapy Problem Categories Framework to assist with standardizing documentation.
Enhance collaboration between prescribers and MTM providers to better address patient goals of care and implement appropriate medication changes.
Increase access to data from the Enhanced MTM Model.
You can read more about each of these in the draft call to action document.
PQA invites your comments on the draft call to action via an online form through Friday, January 12, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. ET. Comments may be submitted by individuals and organizations, and you do not need to be a PQA member to comment. This is a public comment period, and we want to hear from all interested MTM stakeholders.
We are interested in whether you agree or disagree with each element, any concerns or questions you have, or your suggested refinements to the elements.
Certainly, different elements of the call will require the work, leadership and support of a variety of stakeholders in the MTM process. We recognize that some stakeholders are best positioned to lead work on certain elements with support or input from other stakeholders. We value your insights on the stakeholders most essential to achieve each element.
Your input will help PQA finalize the call to action. A public webinar to discuss the call will take place on February 29, followed by a final report in April.
PQA will make the comments it receives publicly available, along with the name of the submitting individual or organization. The comments will be posted in the PQA Member Resources Library and will be available upon request to non-PQA members. Comments received will be posted approximately six weeks following the close of the comment period.
The call to action is part of the PQA Quality Innovation and Research Initiative to Advance MTM Quality Measurement. You can learn more about the initiative in a blog by PQA CEO Micah Cost published last July.